
Green Realm

Growing Together: Newsahoot Readers Make a Difference with Tree Planting

At SankalpTaru Foundation, our mission has always been to create a greener...


Introduction According to the Oxford Dictionary, biodiversity is the variety of plant and...

Celebrating Festivals in an Eco-Friendly Way

Festivals bring joy and happiness, especially in a country such as India...

The Sustainable Now Starts With You – 7 Simple Yet Fantastic Habits

“It is the worst of times but it is the best of...

Plants and Panchabhootas: Exploring the Elemental Essence of Flora

Plants, as living organisms, are intricately connected to the natural elements that...

The Enchanting Influence of Trees: Enhancing Our Connection to Mother Nature

Trees are the backbone of Mother Nature's complex ecology, but we rarely...

SankalpTaru Blog is an initiative to bring nature-based experiential learning to the green enthusiasts. We have put together curated content for people from all backgrounds to take more control of their learning for creating a sustainable lifestyle for themselves and inspiring others to do the same.

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